
Jul 21, 2024 🎉 Our work Prior Knowledge Integration via LLM Encoding and Pseudo Event Regulation for Video Moment Retrieval is accepted by ACM Multimedia 2024 as Oral presentation (top 3.97%).
Jul 21, 2024 🎉 Our work Generative Active Learning for Image Synthesis Personalization is accepted by ACM Multimedia 2024.
Jul 21, 2024 🎉 Our work A Picture Is Worth a Graph - A Blueprint Debate Paradigm for Multimodal Reasoning is accepted by ACM Multimedia 2024 as Oral presentation (top 3.97%).
Oct 21, 2023 I participated in PolyU Info Day 2023 and a Demo of AI Coffee System in RC-DSAI
May 15, 2023 I’m enrolled as a Student Assistant in the Research Centre for Data Sciences & Artificial Intelligence (RC-DSAI) at PolyU.
Jul 28, 2018 We won the Champion in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau Young STEAM Maker Competition 2018
May 21, 2018 We won the Champion in the 13 Session Future Engineer Project